
Khabar Gembira dari Tuhan

Assalamualaikum Why with the topic? Currently I am in my final year, so I am busy with my labwork for my FYP. Last Wednesday, I came quite late to lab around 11 am mcm tu. But during I do the first run for my experiment, I am  quite frustrated with the results because the results quite nonsense. Masa tu rasa mcm haih penat dah nak repeat the experiment. Boring gila. So I decided to stop run the experiment at 12 pm. Masa tu rasa mcm fed up dah dengan lab work haritu and I am about to balik bilik. Tidur. I waited for half an hour in lab tak buat apa apa. sebab rasa mcm buntu. tiba tiba dapat ilham nak whatsapp my lecturer (Eventhough he was outstation in Jakarta). But I just feel want to text him. Surprisingly he replied me and he gaved me solution to my problem just now. Then I decided to run experiment after zohor. Unfortunately, masa nak run experiment tu,, my phone's battery very low. Halahai, dah semangat battery pulak low. I needed it for timer. Whatsapp laa kawan kawan yg

My Jannah

I just feel want to express about my Jannah; my parents ( ibu abah). I just want to thank Allah for giving me the best parents in the world. Ya Allah baik nya tuhan ni. Ibu is the strongest woman I ever met. Apart of she is very weak now, tapi kadang kadang kalau call tu ada je story yang dia pendam sorang. Dia cuba sorok daripada adik beradik lain. Even masa balik Kuantan haritu, I walked with her in DIY. Randomly dia cerita semasa jalan berdua dalam DIY tu pasal her problem. Depan Kak teh dengan Adik, dia cuba show her happiness and sorok her sadness. She is the one yang akan giving me advice spiritually. Dia yang suruh aku jaga solat, jaga aurat, jaga pergaulan, jaga pemakanan and letak kebergantungan dekat Allah. She tried her best untuk jalankan tanggungjawab dia untuk didik anak anak dia. Dia selalu hantar video untuk jaga aurat, jaga solat semualah. Kalau rasa down tu, ibu selalu suruh berdoa, mintak dekat Allah dipermudahkan urusan. Dia selalu pesan nanti bawak ibu abah pergi

Umrah pertamaku 3.0

So harini I will continue the story about ibu in Mecca and Madinah. So she was unfit to go to masjid. Dia akan solat kat bilik. Even makan pun dekat bilik. Perut ibu dah masuk angin, at the same time dia dah tak boleh nak makan sebab akan muntah. She also had diarrhea.  and she getting worse. Mungkin masa tu lah tuhan nak uji aku ibarat nya mcm I used to keep on saying 'Nanti kak ilah nak jaga ibu".. so ni la agaknya tuhan nak uji what had I been saying. betul laa kita akan diuji dengan apa yang kita cakap.  But who knows, kalau kata ujian tu mmg rasa susah sgt. bila penat penat balik bilik, kene cuci lantai bilik dan bilik air sebab ibu dah tak larat sampa termuntah atas lantai bilik. Masa tu rasa mcm ya Allah sabar nik, ni syurga kau ni. Masa tu perasaan bercampur, nak pergi masjid ke nak jaga ibu. Nak iktikaf ke nak tengok ibu dekat bilik. Masa tu fikir "dekat Malaysia aku dapat beribadah jugak, tapi ibu sakit jarang jarang, ni laa peluang nak jaga ibu" so
Have you ever been tired? Exhausted? to the extent you feel like, dah aku nak mati je. Taknak duduk dekat dunia tak best. Dunia ni byk fitnah, kerja tak habis habis. Tak boleh rehat. You  feel like to get away from the pain. Sbb you think of syurga lagi best. Syurga lagi cantik, dan membahagiakan. Have you ever that thought? I did. I don't know it is a sign of mild depression, but that thought keep coming when I am very tired. I feel restless sampai terdetik " Hm mati je laa kan best, tak sabar nak masuk syurga". (You guys might think, budak, kau kenapa tak de agama ke?) Until I talked to a friend, and she said, " Eh ni symptom mild depression" I am so panicked. I don't want to get depress. But I notice, lately I am so insecure with my appearance and my height.I think I am not productive. I am so tired, lost appetite and I can feel I am very sick. I try to get back on my routine, main hoki, jogging to overcome this sickness. I try. I will start to writ

Umrah Pertamaku 2.0

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Today I want to write about pengalaman masa menunaikan umrah. We did learnt umrah ada 5 perkara wajib.  1. Niat 2. Tawaf 3. Saie 4. Tahalul (Bercukur bagi lelaki) 5. Tertib and we have to wear Ihram dan menjaga pantang larang Ihram contoh: bercukur, pakai pakaian berjahit bagi lelaki, berburu, menjadi wali dan sebagainya. So our trip  bound to Mekah first , jadi kita kene berniat umrah di Miqat. Miqat ni merupakan sempadan bagi tanah haram (Mekah). Jadi kalau naik flight tu kita dah lalu one of the Miqat ( I can't remember which Miqat, sebab masa lalu tu byk Miqat kita lalu). Jadi untuk lelaki akan tukar kain Ihram di dalam flight untuk niat umrah. Senang je niat dia, Sahaja aku menunaikan umrah memakai ihram kerana Allah taa'la. Sepanjang perjalanan nak sampai ke Masjidil Haram, kita digalakkan untuk bertalbiah. (Labbaikallah humma labbaik, labbaikalaa shari kalakala baik) Jadi sampai di airport Jeddah, we took our luggage and took a bus

Umrah Pertamaku

Assalamualaikum wbt, salam Ramadhan. On 28th April me and my parents went to Mecca to perform our Umrah. I can't describe how thankful I am kerana dijemput jadi tetamu Allah masa usia muda. So we board the plane on 28th April at 7.30 pm. We perform our maghrib and Isya' in the plane and bound Jeddah at 12 am local time. Took bus to Mecca about one and a half hours. After checked in right an hour before subuh. Alhamdulillah our hotel in Mecca only 30 meter from Al Haram and hotel in Madinah only 80meter from Masjid Nabawi. A lot of things happens there. MashaAllah, looking all muslim from the world came and gather to show our obligation to Allah was amazing. How our messenger send the dakwah to all Muslim all . But to be honest I really fell in love with Madinah. The most calm city. Walaupun keadaan di Madinah slightly warmer than Mecca. Tapi ketenangan yang tak dapat jumpa dekat mana mana. Mungkin sebab nabi ada dekat situ. Nabi jugak pernah doa pada Allah, untuk kurniakan

Rant #3

Assalamualaikum and hi, So my internship already come to an end. A lot of beautiful things happened in this month (APRIL). I think April is my month. But these are the only things I wanted to highlight. First of April is my birthday. This year I turned 22. Alhamdulillah for the past 21 year. I always been so excited for my birthday. But knowing I turning 22 this year,  more challenges awaits for coming years. I will be graduated, I need to find job, get myself car, paying bills by myself, and probably getting married. Which is whole new different level of life. And every level of life demand a better version of me. I am just hoping I can grow up faster, can think like adult, be matured, more decisive and have lot of courage to face anything that coming. I also wish I can be better person and improve myself. I am very glad on my birthday I received a lot of warm wishes , beautiful doas and encouraging words from my friends and family. A small celebrations with office mates and famil